Spiroband Holders (5 Pack)

Abrasive Spiroband Holders (Pack of 5)


Pack of 5

The variety of Finaids abrasive spirobands and spiroband holders is extensive. The stock sizes here represent a small proportion of the range, please contact us for other specifications.

Size Chart

Size (mm)Size (mm)
10 x 1030 x 20
10 x 2030 x 30
13 x 1038 x 25
13 x 2545 x 30
15 x 3051 x 25
19 x 2560 x 30
22 x 2075 x 30
25 x 25100 x 40
Size (mm)Size (mm)
Finaids Spiroband holder sizes
  • Southern Office
  • Northern Office

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Head Office, Cambridgeshire

sales@finaids.com 01480 216060

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Northern Office, Lancashire

01617 051300

Our sales teams are waiting to take your orders 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday. Please contact your nearest Finaids office for all sales and product enquiries. We're here to help.